Friday, March 27, 2009

Weekly Column: Regarding Milford

“The town’s golden age lasted until World War II, after which, as Americans took to fast cars and the new interstate highways, the tourist trade began to slacken.”

How many four- and five-figure cities could use those words to describe a sad turn-of-events in the telling of their history? Unfortunately, in too many cases such a demise is viewed as irreversible.

Perhaps that’s why a story of rebirth captures our attention and justifies three and one-half pages in a major travel magazine.

Between stories about Copenhagen and Miami Beach, John Berendt “charts the resurgence of a great American village” – Milford, Pennsylvania.

The 2000 census reported Milford’s population as 1,104. Towns larger than Milford have been known to give up on their future thinking their “golden age” has long since passed – never to return.

Such is apparently not the case in Milford. Even though, “as far as the outside world was concerned, Milford all but slipped out of sight,” there were at least a few who believed Milford was well positioned for a comeback.

James Michener once wrote, “In every city there is some great idea waiting to be done with distinction.” He was correct, regarding Milford.

This story of rebirth recounts the “dilapidated, 120-year-old Italianate . . . Hotel Fauchére” re-emerging in a 21st century splendor that rivals its days in the “golden age.”

Other historic buildings have been restored, and there is no shortage of possibilities (of the 655 buildings in Milford’s historic district, 400 have been declared “historically significant”). And the momentum is building as sidewalks are improved, trees planted and “old-style streetlamps” installed.

Today, Milford is a place where the summer never ends and vacations are extended.
Milford’s story is a story that should give hope and courage to those in other four- and five-figure cities who are contemplating a turnaround for their town.

After seeing what has happened in Milford, as John Berendt wrote, “Perhaps it really is possible to live, forward-looking, with a lingering aura of another time.”

For the full story please see

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