Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Daily Blog: Binghamton, New York

A few days ago, the city of Binghamton, New York experienced a tragedy when a gunman shot and killed several people at an immigration center:


Much has been made about the tragedy; but less has been written about the city itself. As the article notes:

"Though its population of immigrants is relatively small, Binghamton has quietly welcomed refugees from war-torn countries for decades. The association began operating in 1939."

It turns out, Binghamton is a classic mid-sized city of less than 50,000. And for years it has welcomed people from all backgrounds and all countries. The immigrant center was a symbol of this universal quality to Binghamton. And the town has come together as one after the horrific shootings.

And so despite the tragedy, Binghampton shows every sign that will survive. This place is more than a city...it is a community.

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