Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kusadasi: A Magic Carpet Ride

On the floor in my office is a beautiful Turkish carpet. Each time I walk into the office the carpet reminds me of an unforgettable day during a Greek Islands cruise.

Most of the day was spent walking through the expansive ruins of the ancient city of Ephesus. But the port for that visit was at the city of Kusadasi (population 65,764). It was in Kusadasi that I found the storehouses of Turkish carpet and the engaging entrepreneurial salespeople.

Recently, I ran across Liz Sutton’s brief description of her visit to Kusadasi (Travel and Leisure, April 2009, p. 74).

“One of the highlights in the port of Kusadasi, Turkey, aside from the ruins at Ephesus, was shopping at the market, which sells everything from woven fabrics to leather bags. The vendors were so playful and friendly when bargaining that I learned a great deal about the culture and its people.”

Reading Sutton’s words, I wondered how many cities could summarize their three top tourist attractions in two succinct sentences?

And would they include three different categories? – A site to visit (Ephesus), a product to purchase (carpets) and people to meet (vendors).

Three kinds of memories, which Sutton summarized in one short sentence. The summary every city hopes for:

“I enjoyed every moment.”

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wondered how many cities could summarize their three top tourist attractions in two succinct sentences?

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