Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Corfu and the "Rhythm of Life"

When Lia Huber spent three months “living in a small mountain town on the Greek island of Corfu” she learned that “it’s not just the foods themselves . . . it’s how they’re eaten.”

Following are five lessons learned from living the Corfu way:

1. “Time spent eating with friends and family is time spent living well.”

2. “Eat fresh . . . It’s a twice-weekly ritual in many cities and towns to buy fresh produce and meats in open-air markets.”

3. “Vegetables and legumes are the main dishes in Greece, not sides.”

4. “A meal was never rushed in Greece – it was normal to spend 2 to 3 hours enjoying a lunch.”

5. “For Greeks, meals are about more than just the food . . . It’s about nourishing your whole being – mind, body, and spirit.”

When thinking about the role of food in building community, Lia Huber’s experience at Corfu discovered that “food was part of the rhythm of life there.”

Read Lia Huber’s complete article: “The Summer That Changed My Diet,” Prevention, August 2007, p. 172.

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