Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Daily Blog: Boosting the Local Economy - Week-End Tourism

One of the developing economic opportunities for small and mid-sized cities and towns is Week-End Tourism. An increasing number of people in the major cities are looking for a 36- to 48-hour getaway.

Alison Humes casts a narrative vision of such into a “tiny corner of northwest Connecticut.”

Torrington (with a 2000 census figure just above 35,000) was part of the experience described as “like some fairy tale of European history.”

But it’s not all happening by accident in Torrington. “Still largely blue-collar, the city launched a thirty-million-dollar redevelopment in 2006 to revitalize the downtown; . . . the restoration of the 1931 Warner Theatre . . . was finished in 2002.”

In Humes’ opinion, what makes a visit to such a small sized town so appealing is that “in addition to its beauty, it has some of the trappings of big city life, only miniaturized.”

To enjoy the full description of this visit to the towns of northwest Connecticut please read