Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Daily Blog: Chanhassen, MN

Coming in second on the CNNMoney.com list of best places to live is Chanhassen, Minnesota, population 23,700.


Chanhassen has so far survived the recession and property taxes are going down even while home prices are going up.

"'There's a genuine small-town feel,' says Sarah Pinamonti, 41, who moved here with her husband, Rick, 43, in 2002. They've never regret­ted it. 'We rarely have to leave town to have fun,' says Rick. No wonder: The town has 11 lakes, 34 parks, and the 1,047-acre Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Come winter there's a carnival, ice-fishing contests on Lake Ann, and skating and hockey everywhere (town officials flood grassy areas to create outdoor rinks)."

The town is close enough to the Twin Cities area for folks to commute to work or visit on the weekends. But it's far enough away that it has its own unique small town feel and quality of life.

But CNNMoney.com warned that Chanhassen might not be for everyone, especially when the town starts hosting events outdoors in the winter:

"Wimps beware: Those activi­ties require braving temps that often dip into single digits."

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